Social Media - Shares and Tweets
Encouraging users to share your webpage and content on Facebook and Twitter is a great way to increase your exposure. These campaigns are easy to set up and are appropriate for a wide variety of sources. Here are some general tips for how you can improve the performance of your social campaigns.
Don't be Afraid to ASK!
It may seem a bit obvious but the best way to boost the number of tweets and shares your website gets is simply to set up messages that ask visitors to share and tweet. Research shows that asking for a specific action greatly increases the likelihood that people do it. These campaigns are great fall backs because they apply to virtually all traffic sources. If you see a traffic source but you're not sure how to target them, try setting up a quick campaign asking them to share your page or tweet. You've got nothing to lose but the missed opportunity of increased exposure.
Tell Them Why
People are more likely to take action when they understand how their actions contribute to an end goal. By including a story with the request, you're engaging visitors in a way that makes them feel a part of your brand. Create a message that explains why you're asking them to share and make it clear how doing so helps you achieve your goal. Examples:
We're trying to reach 2,000 followers! You can help us out with a TWEET!
We're really excited about our new [product], Help us spread the word with a TWEET
We want everyone to see our new website, Show your friends with a SHARE
Make it Socially Engaging
People use social media because they find that interacting with others and expressing their opinions is a gratifying experience. If you just ask for a share without giving them a chance to engage with you, you run the risk of making your visitors feel like you're just using them for their social network. When asking for a share, include an opportunity for your visitor to interact with you. Examples:
Send us a TWEET, and tell us your favorite [topic]
Help us out with a SHARE and tell us what you think about [topic]
We need your help deciding! Send us a tweet and tell us your preference between [options]
Give Them Incentive
A great way to boost your shares is to incentivize the visitor by giving them something for their effort. Shares and tweets are social media currency and not all users will give them away for free. Fortunately, this can often be as simple as a clearly stated benefit that doesn't cost you a thing. Tangible benefits will often be more effective in terms of the number of shares but some users will see this as a more of a transaction than a show of support or a real interest.
Need some more ideas?
We're happy to help! Shoot us an email or visit us in our customer success chatroom and we can talk about campaign ideas for your insights.